It wasn't until yesterday that I figured out that today (Veterans Day) was a holiday for state employees. I noticed last night when I was walking the dog, that some of the neighbors had really decorated with their red-white-and-blue.
My wife suggested doing something something fun with the day off. The style she has is get your chores done early and then have the afternoon off to be free. The Veterans Day where one spouse works and the other spouse has off is known as a perfect opportunity for the one at home to get some house work done. Luckily, for me she didn't ask me to scrub floors or anything. Just that I vacuum up some dirt I tracked in from some weekend yard work.
Thus, in morning I did some catchup on a few things. I caught the movie Pride and Glory.
When, I got home i did the work she wanted me to do before she got home.
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Coward (not verified) July 26th, 2013 at 3:42 PM
10 hours ago
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